6 Tips for Mastering English

With countries becoming more multicultural, the desire and need to speak English has never been this big. However, while many people want to speak English, traditional teaching methods make people lose faith and the majority give up even before trying because the process is long, tedious and difficult. Learning English doesn’t have to be like that!
Traditional teaching methods can use up your patience, especially when you are learning a foreign language. As a provider of English language courses, English Today team constantly finds new ways to make learning fun and easy, one of which is private English tutoring. Private tutoring with English Today allows you to focus 100% on your goals and you can practice as much as possible without interruption, and you set your own focus and choice of learning methods that you need.
To help you master English, we have 6 simple tips that will make you speak English confidently and easily!
  • Bring a dictionary
    If you are serious about learning English, you must practice and use it every day. Try to think in English. Bring a dictionary with you and search for words to describe various items or events that you meet.

  • Talk
    When we start learning new languages, we are often fixated on correct pronunciation or learning the alphabet. Focus on trying to build your basic conversation skills. Try speaking the language aloud, even though you don’t have other people to talk to besides yourself!

  • Master the basics
    Start with the basics first – How to say Hello, Goodbye, How are you? If your focus is on building your conversation skills, try to learn as many useful everyday phrases as possible.

  • Stick to your learning routine
    Visualizing words and phrases can be very useful. Write on the Post-it and paste it around the room / house. This will serve as a constant visual language reminder. Your brain will absorb visual information without you realizing it.

  • Watch, read, listen
    Reading books and newspapers, watching movies or TV programs, listening to podcasts or radio programs in English will really help you absorb the language faster.

  • Sing!
    Reading and listening to the lyrics of a music video is a fun and interactive way to learn English.

Inspired to learn English? See the full list of English Today English programs at English Today Indonesia and start learning English today!

6 Tips for Mastering English

With countries becoming more multicultural, the desire and need to speak English has never been this big. However, while many people want to speak English, traditional teaching methods make people lose faith and the majority give up even before trying because the process is long, tedious and difficult. Learning English doesn’t have to be like that!
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