English Language Course in Bandung

Looking for an English language course in Bandung? How do you learn English? Everyone who wants to speak English expects quick results, but as you know, this might be a difficult process. If you want to study well, you need to practice in all areas of the language. The four areas that you need to focus on are: Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening. With English Today, these four core areas will be trained proportionally because everything is important if you want to speak English fluently.

Here are proven ways to help you learn English well:

Speak in English

Speak in English as often as possible! This is the best way to learn English! There is nothing better than speaking in English to help you develop. Even though you can practice reading, writing, and listening independently, communicating using English with other people is clearly better and helps you be able to master English fluently more easily. The best way to practice speaking skills in English is to be in an environment that uses English. Register yourself at the course which gives you more opportunities to use English when the session takes place with a friendly teacher who cares about your development.

The fastest way to learn English is to be friends with people who speak English actively. And also, start the habit of thinking like someone who uses English, don’t translate Indonesian into English, this will slow you down. When you speak, use sentences that you feel right. Many people learn to develop their ‘intuition’ in English. Use your intuition and believe in yourself.
This may sound a little strange and embarrassing at first, but record yourself when speaking in English and listen to the way you say words in English, your speed and intonation of your speech. This will give you the opportunity to see which areas you need to improve. You can practice reciting sentences in English by singing. This is very fun and you should try.

Listen in English

These skills are things you need to practice every day. Like speaking, you will get the maximum benefit when you are in an environment that always uses English.

You can also try watching TV shows or movies in English. The more you hear English words, the faster you understand them. To practice listening skills, you can download applications to learn English on your mobile. That way, you can practice listening anytime anywhere. When you practice listening, first, try to understand the meaning in general, then, for the second time, try to understand the information in depth.
Try to listen and say what you hear. Thus, you get used to actively using English.

Reading in English

Reading in English is something that can help you learn independently. Have a dictionary to help you (the English / English dictionary is the best) understand new words, and write a list of words in the book. Try using your new vocabulary in the conversation. This is a very good way to learn English.

Newspapers can be used as learning resources for those who have an adequate level of English. Another source that you can use to practice your reading skills is children’s story books designed specifically for people who want to learn English. You will not learn much if you choose books / sources that are too difficult or too easy. You should look for something that is challenging, fun, and that you can use to study well.
When you practice reading in English, don’t worry about trying to understand all the words, don’t open the dictionary every time you find a difficult word! But, try to understand the general meaning of the reading and reread it for more detailed information. For words that you don’t understand, try to learn to guess the meaning of the word from the context. See other words in the sentence; they will give you clues about the meaning of the word. Check whether the word is a verb, noun, or adjective. The internet has all the things you can read and learn.

Writing in English

Try writing a diary, write something in English every day. Write anything you can think of, write even though it’s something simple. You need to practice and use English actively. Start with simple sentences and make them longer. You can make the internet a source to help you. Try to find friends online, chat on social media, forums, or write comments on the blog. These are good tools for you to learn and practice.

Writing gives you a good opportunity to review what you have learned, and gives you time to think about grammar when you write. Re-check what you have written, and try to find the error you made.
Try writing short stories or even poems; if you have an English teacher, he would be happy to check the results of your writing.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes

No one wants to make mistakes in front of others; however, the mistakes you make are very important and actually help you learn English. The key is to not be afraid. Don’t waste the opportunity to speak English just because you are too nervous to make mistakes. Do not be shy; trust yourself. Having an “I can” attitude will help you learn and develop. Overall, try not to worry, learning English should be fun! The more relaxed you feel, the easier you will learn.

Focus on your target

Make a target for yourself and always remember. That will motivate you to learn. For example, think about the reasons why you want to learn English. Do you need to learn English for a test preparation, for business, for the benefit of the company, for traveling, or for watching movies? Whatever the reasons are, you will study harder when you focus on your target. Set a target you want to reach and make a time scale to reach it. Plan what you want to do with your English skills next year or in the next 6 months. Make sure your target is realistic and you always try your best. Whatever you want to achieve, don’t give up!

Not sure which English course is right for you?

English Today offers a variety of programs that you can choose to help you achieve your goals. We are happy to help provide the best recommendations for you.
Contact us at (022) 8732 1109, or you can send us an email at contact@english-today-indonesia.com. Get to know us more closely at English Today Bandung

6 Tips for Mastering English

With countries becoming more multicultural, the desire and need to speak English has never been this big. However, while many people want to speak English, traditional teaching methods make people lose faith and the majority give up even before trying because the process is long, tedious and difficult. Learning English doesn’t have to be like that!
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