Before Mr. D, I was a Bule Kampung

Long-story short, English Today Jakarta  [fib fill=”WORD”] to me and said they’d hire me under certain terms and conditions. Since I had limited teaching experience, they were [fib fill=”TRUE”] to employ me, but luckily for me they were willing to train me as long as I could adapt to their [fib fill=”FLASE”]
The owner of English TodayMatthew Donohue, told me that although he was willing to take me on, nevertheless, if I couldn’t quickly adapt, I would be let go and he added that I had to pay for my own _______________. So here I was about to go a foreign country, where barely anybody speaks English except for ‘Mister, mister, where you come from?’ – at least, that’s what I thought anyway.
Matthew and other English Today teachers continued to ______________ that the teachers of English Today Jakarta were the elites of the elite, meaning they were the best of the best – and they are! A lot of the teachers with English Today were former Director of Studies from brands like English First, or Centre Managers from Wall Street, and Senior Product Managers from ILP… and then you have me, bule nyasar.
I thought about all the risks and told myself that life’s short, life’s an ____________. If it didn’t work out with English Today, what’s the worst that could happen? Deported and back to be a small time actor? No problem! (No, actually I wasn’t that optimistic) So, I told them I’d take the job.
After an intensive ____________________ with Ms. Amber, English Today’s awesome Director of Studies, I landed my first class teaching the beautiful _____________________  at Garuda Indonesia. I really enjoyed it and I thought that this whole teaching business was actually so easy and fun. After about two months, my boss Matthew called me in for a chat. He said the ______________ we got from our clients were good. I was glad to hear that. Then he explained that when Indonesians say ‘good’, it actually means ‘not good enough’, when they say ‘excellent’ it means ‘great’, when they say ‘super amazing’ they mean ‘excellent’. My reviewers said I was only ‘good’ which in reality meant I was not good enough. Suddenly, my heart ________________.