English Course in Depok
Are you looking for an English course in Depok that can help you build confidence and improve your English speaking skills?At English Today we sincerely care about your needs for learning English. “How can I increase my confidence in speaking quickly?” These are the questions we get most often from students who are frustrated with their lack of English. The answer is the teaching method. Unfortunately not all English teachers have the right training, most English teachers focus too much on theory because it is easier, and makes them feel smart in front of their students. If 80% of the talk time is used by the teacher, the students do not have enough opportunities to practice speaking ability. This is frustrating for students and we call this English Trauma.
80-20 Reverse method
This teaching method is the opposite of traditional teaching methods which provide 80% time for students to speak and 20% for teachers. This gives students the opportunity to learn how to do and not only memorize the “Grammar” rules. At English Today we aim to make our students active and participate in class by doing Games, acting out role play and group discussion where they can express their opinions and ideas. This is a method that we adapt to accelerate your English learning process and still be able to enjoy the process.
English Today teachers
English today only employs the best teachers. The point is that all our teachers are highly qualified, professional and experienced. In addition we always try to find teachers who are passionate and have a high teaching desire. By motivating their students and making the learning experience enjoyable and active.You can find an interview with one of our senior teachers, Mr. Yudi on the “ENGLISH TEACHER DEPOK” page. He is a perfect example for a teacher we have at English Today. Our teacher is here to guide you through the process and provide everything you need to achieve your goals.
Private English Class
If you are busy and need a flexible schedule, we have private classes both online and face to face. With private classes we are able to provide flexible time and material you want. Your teacher will listen to your needs and focus on the parts you need. This program will also give you freedom to choose the time and place of study you want.
Online English Class
Since the Covid-19 online English pandemic class has become very popular. Many of the advantages of online learning give you the freedom to choose to study online privately or in small groups. In fact, many companies now hold online classes for their employees in various cities. One example is OCBC, which holds online classes for participants from Bandung, Surabaya, Jakarta and Makassar.We have a large selection of online classes that can be adjust to your needs.Private online classes, small group online classes and self-learning platforms. With various choices of programs that can develop your English with a shorter time and maximum results.
Negotiation Skills
This module will assist you to successfully negotiate with your foreign business partners and clients. This module focuses on common obstacles in negotiations and teaches you how to overcome those obstacles effectively.
General Business English
This program covers all Business English skills from email writing to delivering a presentation. This program will equip you with relevant business terms, phrases and the grammar to facilitate all your business interactions.
General English
This program covers all English skills with a strong focus on improving your speaking confidence. You will learn writing , reading , listening and speaking skills.
English Today Online
The most effective way to speak English with confidence is direct practices. Do you remember when you were learning English at school? You can learn the most difficult grammar in English, you can learn to memorize every single word in English but without practicing those things, you won’t be fluent to speak in English.
Learning English is like body shaping training at the gym, you won’t get the ideal body shape if you come to the gym once a week. When you’re learning English it has to be the part of your daily life to get the maximum result and be more confident to speak in English and there’s no other way but practice speaking in English daily. With only one hour per day of practicing to speak in English, you will be able to be a fluent English speaker.